Eye Surgery Simulator

Eye Surgery Simulator

NHS Grampian Charity has joined with local charity, Fighting for Sight, to donate a Vitreoretinal and Cataract Eye Surgery Simulator to the Ophthalmology Department at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.  This highly advanced simulator allows trainees to become familiar with a range of surgical techniques and to complete their training in Aberdeen. The simulator also gives experienced […]

Grampian Hospital Radio

Project 501 Volunteers at Grampian Hospital Radio (GHR) broadcast to patients throughout Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and visit wards to collect requests.  NHS Grampian Charity funding enabled GHR to move to purpose built studios at Westburn Cottage on the Foresterhill Site.  Chairman of GHR,Neil Fraser said, “With more space, this has created opportunities for us to […]

Gastroenterology Endoscope

GI Ultrasound Endoscope

Project 535 Endoscopic ultrasound is a crucial step in the investigatory pathway of patients with suspected cancer.    It is used in the staging of oesophageal, gastric, pancreatic and biliary cancers and can also be used to to take samples via fine needle aspiration of tumours or lymph nodes.  The Endoscopic Ultrasound can also assist […]