CAMHS Garden Receives Funding Boost From Wood

Children and young people receiving mental health treatment in the North-east are one step closer to enjoying a new garden space, thanks to a generous donation from Wood. The oilfield services and engineering consultancy firm has donated £6,500 towards the creation of the garden space outside NHS Grampian’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) […]

NHS Grampian Charity Welcomes New Committee Members

Image shows Dr Colette Backwell, Helen Surgenor and Sian Mutch

NHS Grampian Charity has announced the appointment of three new members to its governing committee. The charity is the official, legally-linked charity of NHS Grampian and is responsible for managing donations made by supporters to ensure they are used to provide benefit to staff and patients, to enhance services, and to provide support in communities […]

NHS Grampian Charity Announces New Name & Strategic Plan

NHS Grampian Charity Logo

NHS Grampian Endowment Fund has announced its new operating name is NHS Grampian Charity, as part of a major rebrand for the organisation. NHS Grampian Charity is the official, legally-linked charity of NHS Grampian and is responsible for managing donations made by supporters to ensure they are used to provide benefit to staff and patients, […]

Staff Havens

Staff Gardens

NHS Grampian Charity, supported by donations from NHS Charities Together, has funded improvements to a range of rest areas for staff.  The Foresterhill Staff Garden is nearing completion as is work at the Emergency Department to provide Reflection Room and outdoors space. Endowment funding has also provided more comfortable rest areas for staff using the […]

Hollywood Glam

Hollywood Glam

A group of friends in Buckie recently presented a cheque for over £35,000 for NHS Grampian Charity’s ARI Oncology Research Fund to Dr Ravi Sharma and Dr Rafael Moleron.   Fundraising over the summer included a dinner dance, raffles, lucky squares and a golf outing.  The generosity of the Buckie community has been outstanding and many […]

North East Crohn’s and Colitis Trust

Award presentation

In April 2018, Douglas Downie and his partner, Natalie Campbell, organised the Trust’s first ball at the Beach Ballroom featuring the Red Hot Chilli Pipers.  £7,400 was raised for the Trust which is one of the fund within the NHS Grampian Charity.  Douglas and Natalie fundraise tirelessly and also seek to raise awareness about this […]