North East Crohn’s and Colitis Trust

Award presentation

In April 2018, Douglas Downie and his partner, Natalie Campbell, organised the Trust’s first ball at the Beach Ballroom featuring the Red Hot Chilli Pipers.  £7,400 was raised for the Trust which is one of the fund within the NHS Grampian Charity.  Douglas and Natalie fundraise tirelessly and also seek to raise awareness about this […]

Wee Pink Fergie

Wee Pink Fergie

The Innes Family have donated £770.70 for Ward 309 at ARI – thanks to all who donated at the BA County Fair in Dunecht and also during the Wee Pink Fergie’s trip to Shetland.  The Wee Pink Fergie is a regular at shows throughout the summer and the Innes Family make extraordinary efforts to raise […]

Running for Neurosurgery

Kyle Munro recently completed the Inverness Marathon  and raised £1,000 for our Neurosurgery Fund.  Kyle’s Granny had been a patient of the Neurosurgery Unit at ARI some years ago.  Kyle wanted to acknowledge the care his grandmother received. Mr Kamel Mahmoud, Consultant Neurosurgeon, said “This is a magnificent effort by Kyle and we are hugely […]